Myrtle Beach Personal Injury Lawyers
Bringing Great Legal Counsel to Locals in Need
When you need compensation after an accident, you will want to rely on a legal team that you know is equipped to handle your personal injury claim. The people of Myrtle Beach know to come to Joye, Nappier, Risher, & Hardin LLC first for outstanding representation. Thanks to our impressive legal backgrounds and insights into the intricacies of South Carolina’s liability laws, we have what it takes to challenge any opposition or insurance company. We offer quality services and representation, each and every time we take a case.
You Could Have a Case – Call to Find Out
If you’ve been hurt by someone else’s negligence in Myrtle Beach, then you should start exploring your legal options today by calling our firm at (843) 357-6454. We are always ready to hear from and help new and returning clients who have been in all sorts of accidents that were not their fault. No matter how big or small your case might be, you can depend on us to make the most of it.
We handle various injury cases including:
Dial (843) 357-6454 to learn more about our law firm and your options after an accident.

Personal Injury FAQ
How Do You Know If You Have a Personal Injury Claim?
Not every accident calls for a personal injury claim, but most do. If you were hurt by someone else’s negligence and that negligence could have reasonably been prevented, then you probably have a personal injury claim on your hands.
More specifically, personal injury cases should include these four elements:
- The negligent party owed you a duty of care, which means they should have tried not to hurt you if they could help it.
- The negligent party violated that duty of care by acting negligent, reckless, or intentionally malicious.
- The violation of that duty caused you to suffer some sort of injury or harm, which can be physical or emotional.
- The injury is what caused you to experience damages that can be translated to financial harm.
Our personal injury lawyers in Myrtle Beach are here to help you understand if all of these elements of a pursuable claim are present in your case. You don’t need to worry about these details yourself if you put us in charge of everything.
Why Should You Hire an Injury Lawyer?
You should hire an injury lawyer to work on your case if you aren’t familiar with the ins and outs of managing a case and going up against an insurance company. Because most people who are not lawyers don’t have this familiarity, it is no stretch to say that most people can benefit from hiring an injury attorney to act on their behalf. Without a personal injury attorney in Myrtle Beach leading the way on your case, you could inadvertently give the defense opportunities to exploit your lack of knowledge. For example, they could send you lowball settlement offers worth way less than what you are owed because they know you probably haven’t calculated your damages correctly.
To make matters easier for our clients, we are proud to offer contingency fee agreements on personal injury cases. This fee system allows you to hire an attorney without paying any attorney fees upfront. Instead, we only get paid if we successfully end your case with a settlement or award.
What Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Do For You?
A good personal injury lawyer will handle all of the following for you:
- Gather evidence supporting your claim (medical bills, police reports, treatment history, surveillance footage, government reports, etc.)
- Determine a fair settlement amount based on your injuries
- Negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf
- If negotiations fail, take your claim to court and fight to obtain fair compensation
- Collect compensation from the defendant on your behalf
At the end of the day our goal is to fight to obtain fair compensation for you and give you the opportunity to rest and recover from your injuries.
How is Personal Injury Compensation Calculated?
No matter what type of case you have to file, the ultimate goal of it is to get you and your family compensation for all you have experienced and endured. We would be happy to calculate the compensation that you are owed so you do not risk leaving even a penny unclaimed.
Typically, compensation is calculated by adding up every damage you have incurred due to the neglect of the liable party. Some of these damages can be found on receipts, bills, and pay stubs, and others are more abstract and must be carefully tallied to be fair and reasonable. When all damage types are calculated, the next step is to see how many insurance policies we can file against in your name because one policy might not be enough to cover your full damages.
Damages that add to the value of a personal injury claim are usually:
- Medical bills (past and future)
- Lost wages (past and future)
- Pain and suffering
- Permanent disability
What Is the Personal Injury Lawsuit Settlement Process?
There is always the possibility that your case may be settled without having to go to court. Pre-trial settlements are very common in personal injury law and are often in both party's best interests. When we take on your case, we will reach out to the at-fault party with a demand for the amount of compensation we believe is fair. If they are willing to negotiate a fair settlement, we may be able to resolve your case fairly quickly. If they are unwilling to settle, we will begin to compile evidence and build your case. This phase, known as the discovery phase, allows both sides to request evidence and information from the other party. In some situations a settlement may be reached during the discovery phase without having to go to court.
In the event that we are not able to obtain a fair settlement during the pre-trial phase, we will take your case to court and argue for your rights in front of a judge or jury. After your case is concluded, the judge or jury will rule on the settlement you may be granted.
What Is the Statute of Limitations in South Carolina for Personal Injury?
A "Statute of Limitations" is a deadline established by each state respectively for how long after an incident a victim can file a personal injury lawsuit. South Carolina allows victims up to 3 years to file a personal injury claim against the responsible party. This timeframe is shortened to 2 years in incidents involving government entities. If you do not file your claim within the allotted time frame, your case will most likely be thrown out by the court and not be allowed to proceed to trial.